Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Fairtrade Fortnight Day Seven

Breakfast was fruit salad. I had no yoghurt for the muesli and I wasn't prepared to try my soya milk first thing in the morning! So instead I had banana, mango, orange and grade fruit salad. It was a nice breakfast, and a good start to the day, but it took a lot of time to make and eat when I was in a rush as I normally am!

I then bought a Fairtrade coffee from the cafe in my university department. Was really nice and kept me awake through my lectures!

Lunch, which I ate with a friend, was rice-cakes and avocado again. Fortunately I like avocado and wasn't jealous of her food.

Cooking dinner in the evening was tough. Today was my cooking day for my housemates, and I had to cook them normal food! I made them pasta and sausages, something easy as I was making 3 meals. Normal sausages for my male housemates, veggie ones for my veggie housemate and of course a meal for me. This was reaaaaaally hard! I had to battle with my will not to eat a sausage whilst noone was looking. Instead I had rice fried with avocado and black pepper. It was tasty enough but I bought some chocolate and opened some wine to cheer myself up!

Tomorrow I will have to use up the remaining beans I have in the fridge - some form of bean curry I'm predicting!

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